Yay!!! I can't believe it's here - International Quilt Day. It actually doesn't mean much for me since I am otherwise engaged today, but I hope to find time, later, to work on my QAYG blocks. I'm going to take the blocks from the Simply Modern Bee that I'm participating in (my month is March) and quilting them before putting them together. I'm kinda excited about this process as it is not something I've done before. My other ideas for the blocks are to deconstruct them in some way, like cutting them into four and reconstructing the blocks as I go - or cut some in quarters and some quarters on the diagonal. I don't know. I just want to spice up this block a little more. It could be that I'm just tired of looking at the garden fence blocks since I made 12 of them. I tend to get a little bit bored with an idea and want to hurry up and move onto the next, more exciting (NEW, shiny thing) project. I love all of the blocks that I've received so far, but I just feel like I want something different. I think I'll just stick with the quilt as you go concept as I'm just not feeling that ambitious.
Last night I finished my Fabulous Fifty quilt for my uncle's 50th birthday party this afternoon. Whooops! I just called and apparently the party is next Saturday. Well, I'm ahead of the game, then and I can enjoy looking at this beautiful quilt for a week longer. It is small: 52" square, but it's an okay size to put over yourself while sitting on the sofa. The green batik on the back is lovely - and I used monofilament thread on the front and a nice blendable, blue, cotton on the back. It was my first time using monofilament successfully. I tried before but it just kept breaking on me - my machine is set differently now and the top tension is pretty low, so the thread stayed together.
Now that I'm free this afternoon, I'll have more time to explore the blogosphere and read some posts for IQD. I'm also linking up to SewCalGal's linky party.
Here are the photos of my Fabulous Fifty quilt:
Fabulous Fifty quilt - front |
Fabulous Fifty quilt-front closer |
Fabulous Fifty quilt - back (Oh! how I love that little red/beige square) |
Happy Quilting in 2013!